Blog of Oise Trade Limited Company

Oise Trade Poland
In Oise Trade company's blog we publish the latest news from the business world, trends in technology, cases of famous companies.

We collect useful information so that you can become one step closer in the development of your company. We publish useful instructions, which will be useful for beginners in business, and also the latest techniques in work with clients from world experts. Our selection of information is suitable for everyone, without exception. Oise Trade Poland appreciates your attention and want to create additional value for clients who want to develop their business.
Which website a beginner dropshipper needs
There is an opinion among novice Internet entrepreneurs that the more expensive the site, the higher the quality and the better the sales. However, we can say with certainty that there is no direct correlation between the volume of sales and the cost of creating a website.
Oise Trade Limited work
Mistakes when creating an online shop
An online shop's website is the face of your e-commerce business. The comfort of the site, its design, its informativeness largely depend on the results of the activity.
Oise Trade profits
What is a marketing funnel and how to use it
A marketing funnel is a model for describing the path a potential customer takes from initial exposure to a product or service to purchase. It is applicable to both offline and e-commerce. Oise Trade provides you with basic information about the marketing funnel.
Oise Trade Limited work
Dropshipping: easy money or hard work
There is no easy, steady income. Dropshipping, like any business, is a complex and demanding process. Don't believe the 'experts' who tell you that dropshipping is an easy way to get rich.
Oise Trade profits
Your customer's avatar
Who do entrepreneurs sell their products to? To a target audience? That is too abstract a concept. You are selling to a specific person with a specific social status and income level. They have their own lifestyle, character traits, habits, desires, goals, doubts, fears, problems, worries and so on.
Oise Trade Limited work
How to turn a hobby into a business
Many people have hobbies. Some cook delicious and original dishes, some make beautiful jewellery, some make beautiful bouquets, and so on. People have invented thousands of different types of hobbies. Some of them sooner or later decide to turn their hobby into a business.
Oise Trade profits
Context and targeted advertising: differences
An entrepreneur's ability to use various promotional and advertising tools on the Internet is a prerequisite for successful business development. Contextual and targeted advertising is one of the most popular ways of informing potential customers about your company.
Oise Trade Limited work
Email marketing to boost sales
Email marketing remains one of the most profitable and effective promotional tools on the web. To make your mailings as effective and efficient as possible, it is important to understand how to use them correctly.
Oise Trade profits
Prospects for developing your dropshipping business
Today we are going to talk about how to develop a dropshipping business in such a way that you can make money continuously, not interrupted by some small income.
Oise Trade Limited work
Products that are always in demand
On the Oise Trade Limited blog, we continue to talk about the types and categories of goods that appear in e-commerce. In previous articles we talked about seasonal and trendy goods. Today we're talking about everyday goods. As the name suggests, these are goods that people need all the time and buy on a regular basis.
Oise Trade profits
Why not all dropshippers succeed
Dropshipping is a popular and relatively simple way of organising a merchandise business. In this way of working, the seller only acts as an intermediary. They advertise the goods and connect the buyer with the manufacturer or supplier of the goods.
Oise Trade Limited work
How to boost profits with Upsell and crossell
An additional sale is an offer to the customer to add something to the main order, or to buy an upgraded version of the product they specified in their order. This is an important tool for increasing revenue in the merchandise business. It is important to understand that upselling is part of customer service.
Oise Trade profits
Trend goods: pros and cons
On the Oise Trade Limited blog we continue to talk about the types and categories of products that appear in e-commerce. In one of our previous articles we talked about seasonal products. In this article, we'll discuss how to work with trending products.
Oise Trade Company pros
Specificities of the trade in seasonal goods
Every business owner wants to increase profits. Entrepreneurs involved in e-commerce, particularly dropshipping, are no exception. Seasonal products can be a quick and profitable business. But you can't build a solid business on New Year and Christmas decorations or 'valentines' alone. Specialists from Oise Trade Limited tell us how to work with seasonal goods.
Oise Trade Poland exception
Product choice: the road to success or failure
When starting a business, every entrepreneur wants to become rich. To achieve this goal, you need to make the right decisions. Each of them should be considered, because one mistake can make your business go bust. In a trading business, including dropshipping, the first and very important step on the road to success is the choice of goods to sell.
Oise Trade Limited important step
The importance of CTR in e-commerce

CTR, or click-through rate, is the ratio of the number of users who clicked on a link to the total number of users who saw it. In marketing, it is used to determine the attractiveness of an advertisement. You can calculate the CTR (click-through rate) using the formula (A/B) * 100%.
Oise Trade dropshipping importance
Managing people: principles for building a strong team
People are one of the most important assets a business owner can rely on. Any tangible asset can be acquired or restored. You can get an investor, take steps to increase sales or take out a loan. But an asset like a team is very difficult to acquire quickly. It usually takes years.
Oise Trade Poland principles
A, B, & C types of Customers. Who are they?
Get to the point. Decipher. Understand. Business is a mosaic, and each customer is a unique fragment in the bigger picture of success. By dividing customers into groups, we analyse preferences, buying habits, demographics and look for commonalities. We rank them by value and importance to our business.
Oise Trade Company commonalities
SEM. Successful marketing strategy
Whether we like it or not, the internet has become part of our lives. Google processes over 9 billion searches every day. A stable search ranking guarantees an influx of new customers and the loyalty of "old" customers.
Oise Trade dropshipping loyalty
How to Find a Dropshipping Supplier?
Dropshipping allows you to sell goods online from the supplier's warehouse without buying the products in advance. This business model is perfect for those who want to earn more and are in constant search of interesting offers and the best suppliers. Finding a reliable partner is a difficult task.
Oise Trade Limited products
Why do 70% of companies fail in digitalisation?
One example of a failed digitalization is the project of the global giant Nike in 2000. They invested about 400 million to upgrade their ERP system. But quality control problems and a tight development timeline led the project to negative results.
Oise Trade Company project
Practical guidelines for digitising a business
Digitization is a very ambitious undertaking which, if approached incorrectly, may result in the loss of valuable time and a wasted budget. To avoid mistakes, you need to think ahead and consider key steps and potential pitfalls.
Oise Trade valuable time
What are push notifications and how to use them correctly?
Push notifications are another traffic channel and an opportunity to get visitors back to your site. While some people think push notifications are useless spam, statistics show the opposite: they bring in 3 times more subscribers than email notifications, and their cost is more affordable than SMS.
Oise Trade Company email notifications