Which website a beginner dropshipper needs

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An online storefront website is an electronic shop window where you display your products. It should be seen as such. Many business owners believe that creating a website is an extremely complicated process that only programmers and technical specialists can handle. In fact, it is much easier than most people think. With the help of website builders, you can create a standard online shop in a few days and customise it to suit your needs. All you have to do is add products - and you can start selling. If you can use a computer or smartphone application, i.e. you can install it, set it up and start using it, then creating a website should not be too difficult.
There is an opinion among novice Internet entrepreneurs that the more expensive the site, the higher the quality and the better the sales. However, we can say with certainty that there is no direct correlation between the volume of sales and the cost of creating a website. In the Oise Trade Limited blog, we will talk about what you should consider when creating an electronic trading platform.

Which storefront sells better: expensive or cheap?

You may be wondering: if everything is so easy, why do some people spend months and a lot of money developing websites? Nowadays, websites are mostly created on ready-made CMS systems. In simple words - it is a content management system. There are many such systems. The basic functionality of most of them is more or less the same. However, the cost of all of them is different. It depends on many factors, including the requirements of the developers themselves. Also, customers often ask for things to be added that are not important or useful in the early stages. For example, to develop a cool bonus programme for customers. And then sit for months with no sales because they cannot attract traffic to the site. The inexperienced businessman lacks marketing experience, and there is no money to hire specialists, as almost the entire budget was spent on developing the site. The result of the work of such a shop will be its closure. The start-up capital is gone and the business has not started to make a profit.

The managers of Oise Trade dropshipping point out that expensive and cheap showcases sell almost the same. The customer is interested in the goods displayed in the shop, not the display case itself. However, it is important to emphasise that cheap should be within reasonable limits. If the site is poorly done, it can put customers off.
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In 99% of cases, it doesn't make sense for new business owners, including dropshippers, to create an expensive online store right away. A basic set of features with a small number of plugins for SEO and integration with delivery services is often enough for them. However, using the cheapest solutions and building a website based on them is also wrong.

If you are a budding entrepreneur and don't know what kind of online shop you need, contact Oise Trade. Our experts will advise you and help you make the best choice.
What kind of website does a beginner dropshipper need?
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