Product choice: the road to success or failure

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When starting a business, every entrepreneur wants to become rich. To achieve this goal, you need to make the right decisions. Each of them should be considered, because one mistake can make your business go bust. In a trading business, including dropshipping, the first and very important step on the road to success is the choice of goods to sell. If you don't know how to do that, it's a big problem. Money is wasted, there is no profit, the entrepreneur goes bankrupt. It is necessary to choose goods taking into account certain conditions. Today, together with the specialists of Oise Trade, we will discuss which goods should be traded in order to have a reliable basis and to get closer to the goal - to earn the first million. This is what every businessman wants.
Choosing a product niche
Many entrepreneurs choose niche products that are not mass-produced when they start their business. This is the wrong approach. It is necessary to work with goods that are widely consumed. There are five "golden" niches in the commodity business:
  • Home goods;
  • Children's goods and toys;
  • Goods for pets;
  • Goods for motorists;
  • Clothing.
Products in these niches are always in demand. There is a huge assortment in these categories. You are sure to find the goods that will become the basis of your business. Of course, you will have to work hard and spend money: think up creative advertising, invest in promoting your online shop, etc.
The product must solve a problem
Many entrepreneurs are tempted by trendy products because they have a high margin. Inexperienced businessmen grab hold of such products and even start a business with them. This is a big risk that in most cases leads to significant losses. Trend products usually do not solve a problem. They are therefore characterised by a very unstable demand line: it rises sharply and then falls sharply again. Everyone remembers spinners, fingerboards and the like. These are trendy products that did not solve the problem, their popularity was achieved through marketing activities.

Before you choose a product, ask yourself what problem it solves. If the product makes people's lives easier, there will be no problems with its implementation. If you have 5-7 products in your range that solve a few problems throughout the year, you will have steady sales. You can build a strong business model around these products.
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Wow effect
A product that solves a problem and has a wow effect is your lucky ticket. By working with such products, you can significantly increase the profitability of your online shop. Product business professionals are always on the lookout for wow products.

Such products can be effectively promoted on social media. People scroll through their feeds, see the product and think: "Wow, how could you think of that? But for people to pay attention to your product, the advertising has to be high quality and interesting. Nowadays, people consume a huge amount of information, so the amount of time they can pay attention to something has decreased significantly. Your advertisement should "catch" - then it will be noticed.

What makes a wow product? It creates a positive impression, evokes emotions and exceeds consumer expectations. Wow is important because it creates customer value. Therefore, it is necessary to promote truly valuable products that fulfil their purpose, captivate and break consumer stereotypes.
If you can find products that have both practical value and an emotional impact on the consumer, they will lead you to more sales.

To summarise. Goods for sale should be chosen carefully, after studying all the nuances. Wrong choices risk losing money and closing the store. The right choice - is the way to increase the level of well-being.

If you need advice - contact Oise Trade Poland. Contacts can be found at this link:
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